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Smooth, 2-ply, Iridescent, Red & Black, Two-Tone Thai Silk Form for Ordering Without Credit Card

Black and fire engine red Thai silk - 100% pure, smooth, soft, iridescent, two-tone and hand woven!
previous Forest green Thai silk - 100% pure, smooth, soft, iridescent and hand woven!Maroon and pink Thai silk - 100% pure, smooth, soft, two tone & hand woven! next






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I want:
yard(s) of this silk @ US$10.00/yard (1 - 9 yards)
yards of this silk @ US$9.00/yard (10 - 29 yards)
yards of this silk @ US$8.00/yard (30 - 49 yards)
yards of this silk @ US$7.00/yard (50 yards minimum)
I want my silk treated before shipping (US$1.00/yard)
Click here for 2-ply prices      Click here for 4-ply prices

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Shipping cost is NOT included in price.


Notable Quote: “There is nothing wrong with Christianity -- it's just that so few have ever tried it!"

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